The House of the Moon is tiny, but one of the richest kingdoms twofold. One, due to proximity to both a precious stone and a diamond mine, and two, because of its rich supply of magic. Its proximity to the moon creates some of the most powerful magical items, charms, and spells that can be cast during moontime. A very mystical land to unravel.
Flag: A light purple flag with a silver border and a silver full moon in the center with a crescent moon outlined in shadow against it.
Lay of the Land: A mountain lorddom: one town, five villages.
Potency of Magic: 9/10
Main Exports: Magical items/artifacts, amulets, protective charms, clothing, precious stones, diamonds
Royal Family: High Lord Daniel Emrys Marseilles, High Lady Lily Evelyn Marseilles (Finbar), Lady Luna Illumine Marseilles
Political Alliance: Alliance of the Lily