The House of Peace is a serene utopia filled to the brim with the best intellectuals and artists that the Twelve Houses has to offer. Its main creed is to protect nature, knowledge, and innocence throughout the Three Realms as best they can. The river flows through the center of the lorddom similar to the canals in Venice. Heavy Greek influences throughout.
Flag: A white flag with a blue border and a dove with an olive branch in the center.
Lay of the Land: A river lorddom: one city, one town, five villages.
Potency of Magic: 8/10
Main Exports: Protective charms, clothing, silk, figs, fish
Royal Family: High Lord Gabriel Engel DiAngelo, High Lady Sarah Angela DiAngelo (Davis), Lady Seraphina Cindy DiAngelo, Lady Kiara Lucille DiAngelo, Lady Lara Daniella DiAngelo
Political Alliance: Alliance of the Rose