This list will expand as I encounter new programs and websites.
Character Building
Epiguide’s Character Chart for Fiction Writers: A detailed chart that allows a writer to dive into a character’s appearance, personality, and daily life.
Labotomy of A Writer – Epic Character Questionnaire: A comprehensive interview to conduct with your character. Highly recommended.
SFWA Worldbuilding Questions: A comprehensive set of worldbuilding questions that cover a wide range of categories to fully immerse a writer in the world they want to create.
World Anvil: A place to create an encyclopedia of your world through articles, profiles, and other posts. Both a free and a paid service.
Iulian Ionescu – Master Outlining and Tracking Tool: A high powered outlining tool that allows a writer to summarize their book and split that summary into 81 scenes to aid in the plotting process.
Marissa Meyer’s blog post series From Idea to Finished: An article series that walks a writer through the process of writing from the idea all the way through the publication process.
Scrivener: A word-processing program designed specifically for the writer. Combines a research binder, an outlining board, and a typewriter.
Google Docs: My preferred word processor.
How To Edit Your Novel – The Ultimate Crash Course: A crucial guide for understanding the editing process and how to tackle it.
Autocrit: An online book editor for fiction writers that analyzes your writing in the context of your genre and gives you specific tips to improve your prose.
Grammarly: An online grammar and spell checker perfect for writers of any profession.